Meet the requirements of highly competitive automotive industry with ERP
In order to remain or become a strong player in the automobile industry it is crucial to have streamlined business. Enterprise Resource Planning systems can obviously help achieve this goal and redefine greatly one’s company development. With ERP solutions implemented into business process there are no difficulties in overcoming inevitable industrial challenges such as high quality customer service, vendor, inventory and delivery management, marketing and labor efficiency. Such systems provide specialized companies with a comprehensive set of features which serve to track and analyze current policy making, make reasonable changes and control the work of all departments.
ERP features and functions in automotive industry
Every day automobile manufacturers and dealers meet the challenges of constantly developing market where they should do a lot to be successful: bring to life innovative products, reduce costs, be environmentally friendly and so on. ERP systems are destined to help synchronize production processes of all the stages and provide departments with an adequate information realm.
Quality control management: thanks to which it is convenient to track product and customer service quality in real time, notice occurring problems and correct them timely ensuring in such a way high quality standards of automobiles and customer relations.
Inventory management that allows coping with relevant operations giving a platform for efficient inventory planning.
Electronic document database where all documentary work is sorted and there is no necessity to keep tons of papers.
Finance management system with the help of which all financial and accounting data are sorted in one place available at any time and, as a result, financial information is managed more effectively.
Human resource management that reduces time spent on administrative work as it provides companies with specific modules dedicated to employee contact information, performance evaluation, working hours and duties, etc.
Service management that controls after sale support of clients sorting their latest demands and requirements and tracking timely service.
Order management system where customers’ orders are visible which gives an opportunity to analyze purchasing history and be prepared for the succeeding contacts with a client.
Sales management where sales and marketing activities are comprised and automotive businesses can take measures promptly to improve sales effectiveness.
Automobile maintenance that gives a full picture on equipment state.
Integration with communication channels to keep in touch with clients and colleagues.
Benefits ERP can bring to automotive industry
Enterprise Resource Planning systems make possible to integrate internal and external processes which is a necessary component of a successful automobile business. Top-managers and heads of departments get accurate information daily and are able to:
Create one information flow for working team
Execute proactive policy without vendors’ and clients’ references
Reduce production costs, improve product and customer service quality and increase pay-offs simultaneously
Keep under control activities and efficiency performance of all departments wherever they are located
Make much more considered business decisions basing them on accurate analytical data
Analyze financial parameters instead of controlling whether all of them are added.
Custom ERP for automotive industry from Infotronicx™
Each company is unique even if we talk about the same industry, in this context it is all about the automotive market. Taking it into consideration Infotronicx™ is following the principal of using individual approach to every company. Having at our disposal your specific demands and the goals of your marketing strategy we are ready to offer a relevant ERP solution to implement it into your business and allow you to gain reinforced policy-making, growing revenues and satisfied client base.
Top-notch positions on the automotive market are available for those who have total control over the whole working process. Consequently, a flexible ERP system is a must-have if there is a desire to be proud of reliable reputation and be the one whom clients trust and employees are devoted to. Infotronicx™ offers to choose one of the following services:
Custom ERP Development. If you are on the way to introduce in your organizational structure a modern Enterprise Resource Planning system we have at our disposal everything you need to succeed in your solution: professional technicians and analysts, years of experience in fitting ERP software systems in businesses, a set of tools that are likely to change your working efficiency for the better.
ERP Customization. We guarantee that your company will not suffer from ERP introduction because the system you have chosen for the implementation will be customized in accordance with your needs and ordinary working flow.
ERP Software Testing. If you do not rely on an ERP solution or you are in doubts which system to choose according to your specific demands we can test possible variants and provide you with a report that will show which one can function better with your amount of data and is compatible with your business requirements.
ERP Implementation. The installation of ERP system is carried out by a group of professionals who are aware of specific aspects of automotive business and can accompany the implementation process with a comprehensive preliminary analysis.
ERP Upgrade and Maintenance. Make use of this service if your business requires a modernized system to keep up with continuously changing automobile industry. We will enhance the current ERP system by installing missing features or improving the functionality of those in use so that your business remains competitive.
Why ERP software from Infotronicx™
Our company has 19-year experience in the development of software systems destined to provide our clients with a well-organized working flow and efficient business making. Every new project for us is an opportunity to prove our professionalism and prepare the ground for one more business that wants to be successful.
The reasons companies refer to us:
With every our client we carry out an individual program and the main goal is to cover their needs.
High quality standards we follow in our work are embodied in prosperous businesses of our customers.
Our prices are affordable.
Our specialists undergo training every year to meet continuously alerting requirements.